Monday, March 20, 2006

11 pm

Day was ruined because of lecherous auto driver. Was surprised that still feel disturbed with such common, inevitable occurences: men whistling, etc. Thought am over it.

Procrastination takes very, very strong hold. An exam tomorrow, and haven't studied at all. But maybe a good thing. Optimistic about brain power.
Haven't got a new mail in three days. Maybe something I said implying over-the-top vanity?

Am going to rewrite the essay...excited. Also think the last story is rather boring and disoriented.
Oh, but will go to register for dance classes tomorrow. Will see if the music club still accepts membership, as well. Hope there will be an absence of lecherous drivers, or anything lecherous at all.

Exams will be over by April 17th. Thinking of getting on plane on 21st. The two days should be spared for thorough cleaning of apartment. The kitchen, especially, is a jungle in its own rights - with at least three additional species inhabiting it, not including self.

Think that Kushwant Singh is vulgar. Funny, but vulgar. Not that vulgar is wrong, but not going to start on any argument along that line. Not very impressed. Active imagination, though.

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