Saturday, July 15, 2006

the essentials?

There are essentials in life.

Water. Of which I have, at the moment, around a litre. Due to the failure to notice when I'm actually running out of it (the process). But I will be salvaged tomorrow. Soon enough.

Friends. Of which I have quite a few. Rather like raisins on a bun - the bun being an analogy for the world, if those two ends of rubbery, fleshy material that's supposed to click and produce a spark in one's head haven't yet done so.

Fear. A lot, really...a panic hen would be a good equivalence. I suppose the only way to shoo it away is to challenge it. In the phenomenal words of Joey, "...stare at the barrel of a gun, pee into the wind!" There's a little voice somewhere inside me that hopes things won't go to that extreme, though the latter does sound quite delightful.

Love. Yes. Always induces you to sing, doesn't it? Or twitter is more the word, perhaps? Through the privilege of certain companions (desirable and otherwise), I've been rather thoroughly informed and made wiser on the subject. There is a variety of the thing - i.e. 'love' (n).
There is one that makes you gooey on the legs. One that makes your cheeks go pink, and purple and green. One that makes every bit of you swells. And many others, as it stands. But there's also one that makes you sing even with an aggresive voice, makes you particular without a face that launches a thousand ships, makes you think being silly is delightful when you're too shy to even make faces in the mirror.

So there.

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