Monday, April 09, 2007

" "Sit down beside me! sit down beside me until I am quiet inside and able to stand again. My legs are trembling, and if I try to stand now, I'll fall. Sit beside me, Bess." "

" "If my brother is killed in this stupid War, I shall spit at the world. I shall hate it forever. I won't be good. I shall be the worst of them all, the worst that ever lived." "

"There was swift and fierce terror in the boy. Suddenly he was running away. The few people he saw in the streets now seemed full of death, too. They seemed suddenly ugly, not beautiful, as they had always seemed before...He had never before known fear of any kind, let alone fear such as this, and it was the most difficult thing in the world for him to know what to do. His poise was all gone - scattered by the fear of the horror catching up with him, and he began to run again. This time as he ran he said to himself, almost crying, "Papa, Mama, Marcus, Bess, Homer!" The world was surely wonderful and it was surely full of good things to be seen again and again, but now the world was a thing to escape, only he could think of no direction to take. "

- The Human Comedy, William Saroyan

I’ve never read a lovelier book. All I have to say.

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